Welcome to Apexpicks.com
As brothers and best friends, we are proud to announce our partnership in Apex Design, Development, and Fabrication. We are both degreed Manufacturing Engineers proudly residing with our families in the great state of Idaho. We have over 40 years of combined “hands-on” experience in Engineering, Design, and Fabrication in the following industries and disciplines:
- Precision metal fabrication, forming, machining, and welding of specialty materials
- Shooting Industry: Plastic injection molding, forming, and soft goods
- Composites manufacturing and tool design
- Specialized Assembly tool design and manufacturing
- Screw Machining
- Semiconductor Processing
After working with a group of professional prospectors, we realized the gap in the market left by the Aussie pick. Apex now offers the best pick ever developed due to its simple yet durable design and advanced features not found on any other. We have built this site around the prospecting and detectorist industries and look forward to providing you with the best products at the best price. We have several new products in the works, so check back often.
The best feature of all of our products is that they are made by Red Blooded Americans in the U.S.A.
Best of luck to you in all of your prospecting, nugget, and relic hunting adventures.
Brian and Tracey