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Included below are photo’s of possible carrying positions for the Apex Pick using the Pick Packer ™ belt combination.  Also see Matt’s testimonial of it and the pick on our Testimonials page.

 packer back pocket          packer back pocket side view          packer with axe on back


     The whole family can get good use out of a an Apex pick, although I would suggest getting a Badger or Badger LT for the kids.  As you can see below the Talon is a bit large for some.  Nice chunk of obsidian though.

person using axe          rock in hand


  Below are photo’s courtesy of Gerry Mcmullen of www.gerrysdetectors.com taken on a recent expedition with clients.  The Talon was backing up some of the finest metal detecting equipment in the industry and it strikes a 1/3 ounce of gold.

metals on axe top          axe digging into ground          metals on the inside top of axe

metal detector          axe and a hole



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